Sekarang menanda kan 10 min nk masuk jam 3 a.m :) . sedang menyandar di dinding .. depan laptop disebelah ada nasik berlaukan daging masak merah dan milo panas dari kedai abg are :) melayan music Dead By April dan Blacklisted Me :) . gelisah haty maybe . suke pun ader ... di otak sekarang bunyik suara2 yg x diundang -.-'' pikiran melayang2 .. makan nasik pun x abes , mnum milo and doing something yg owg x suke .. tapi hakikatnya benda nieh x salah pun .. hurm terpikir kan family . my mommy yg lama x telipon .. sangat windu sama mak loq :'( . maybe ada 1 masalah  yg ngah dah wat kat mak . n ngah x sedia nk bagitahu mak lagi , walaupun semua nya ngah cter kat mak . maybe ngah dah sedia nnt ngah cter :) . sedeyh la plk bile teringat kan benda2 yg berkaian ngn mak .. dr kecil mom dah jaga ngah ngn adeq2 . dari kecil tempuh zaman remaja . zaman remaja lah ngah dah wat mom macam2 kan . mom bnyk tempuh pelbagai masalah yng ngah dah lakukan .. ngah mintak maaf sebab ngah mak bnyk kali menangis . ngah x nk mak mngis lagi :') . tiada seorang ibu pun x sayang kan anak nya .. walau sejahat mana pun anak itu .. ibu tetap ada setitik rasa syg kepada anak dye . n ibu x kan membenci anak nye . kan mak . loq x tahu lah kenapa ngah nk update n cter benda nieh kat blog ngah . mana lah taw terjadi apa2 kat ngah . n mom usha blog ngah . mom dapat tahu yang NGAH SANGAT SAYANG KAN MOM <3 dan ngah sgt2 perlu kan mak sebagai penasihat dan sentiasa dsisi ngah . :') . btw ngah akan berusaha membimbing diri ngah sendiri supaya ngah dapat membalas balik semua yg mom dah lakukan untuk ngah :') walaupun ngah taw yg jasa2 mom x kn dapat ngah balas . mom u're the best thing i ever had in my life .. u are the first mom . n my family is the first ... for friends , u're my family to . i have some quotes for u all my friends :') . read it n understands what friends all about :')  n for u all .. ingt apa maksud kawan . dan jgn pernah anggap kawan itu selalu makan kawan ataw tikam belakang . sbb x semua orang macam tu . n itu semua bergantung pada diri kite untuk mencari kawan yg terbaek dan memilih  dengan betoi :') .. ciri2  nie yg kite perlukan :)

Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.
 It's always good to make friends but while your at it be sure to keep the old ones... their the ones who will always be there for you.
Boyfriends are not always going to be there for you... your friends will be. 
How do you know you've found your best friend? When you are ready to talk to them about anything, even though they know everything about you already. 
 The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch with, never say a word, and walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you have ever had. 
True friends are the people who are there for you unconditionally. They are the people who never question you and support you no matter what the circumstances are. They are the people worth living for.
Forever: now and until the end, you are, and always will be, my best friend. You're there through the tears, the pain, and joys, the good, the bad, and everything in-between.
I'm learning that things change, people change, and it doesn't mean that you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories.
A friend is someone who smiles when you smile, laughs when you laugh, but holds your hand when you cry.
When it seems like there's no one left to run to in this empty world you can come to me I'll be your shooting star. You can tell me your dreams I can't promise to make them come true, but I'll be there to pick up the pieces of your broken heart if your dreams happen to fall through.
100 memories, 200 jokes, 300 great times, 400 secrets, 1 reason: best friends!


KARMA is a BITCH (!) And I'm Her ♥ Whatever people said about you , Just be yourself

proudbeingmalaysian >__+

cam biase ler yer jawab salam . tambah pahala kowang :) .. terima kasih 
lama x update . n x taw nk upate apa . ahahha . owh ya . loq nk cte skit sal petang td . 
time teman AMAR g hospital check kaki dye . sian AMAR . saket kaki balik :'( 
tapi x per loq ada teman :) 
kita kan kawan .. x kn time susah nk tinggal kawan kan :) . 
I LOVE MY HOUSEMATE <3 (x da kene mngena ) ahahha 
btw ptg td time tggu nk ambik ubat , loq maen lah encet amar , saja nk melukis dlm encet amar ,
cos encet amar ada software tok sapa minat lukis . mmg syiok ler kan . .
yelah loq gne encet apa je bb je pun . (p/s-----> add bb pin loq 2963B38C) sempat ag ahhaha ><
hiraw kan . saje berguraw je tuh ahahhaha . sambung blik . time lepak menconteng dlm encet tuh ada owg upenye tgk kat belakang OKEY -..-'' x perasan .. abes ambik ubat amar . keluar le nk 
g kat krete . . tibe abg nieh lalu depan kata "DEK LUKISAN DEQ TD CHANTEQ" =.=
yg ak n amar dah blurrr apa ?? =.='' okey x paham ahahha . lama2 bawu ak paham 
lukisan yg ak conteng dlm encet amar td ahahah ... adess lambatbeno pickup nye kan kan . :D . 
tamat lerr :P .
hehehhe OKEY for now loq just nk share beberapa photo shoot yg x sengaja dibuat oleyh VIRUS <3.
alang2 kat snie loq promote sat page dye k .. kowang pi kat facebook taip . editing pic n photoshoot yg virus wat style jugak :D ..macam2 package ada :)  saja promote dlm blog sat ehheheh :D btw pic nieh virus yg ambik :) wink2 .. tapi loq edit skit . sbb loq ambik pic nieh before dye edit kan . so jgn hiraw editing . x chanteq sbb loq edit sndrik ahhaha :) tapi x bnyk edit skit2 jer :) pic loq x secantek mana pown . shoot yg x sengaja dibuat waktu lpk sama my virus toink2 nieh :D 
btw sekarang tgh . lobat plk tuh .. hurm dok umah layan restling . saket perut lagi . tuh yg update blog 
bg hilng bosan skit . :) ... sebelum nieh ada sal amaran tsunami kan bawu2 nieh .hope x dalah tsunami tuh berulang lagi :( . takut dgn bencana alam tuh . n hope doa2 kan x terjadi apa2 pada negara kite ataw negara2 
jiran kite . kuat kan berdoa . sbb sekarang nie mcm2 blh berlaku ... dunia kite dah tue . :) so hope itu hanya amaran yg x kan tsunami berlaku . kerana x nk tsunami berulang semula :) .
I LOVE U MALAYSIA :D  hihihihi ><
wasalam :)

KARMA is a BITCH (!) And I'm Her ♥ Whatever people said about you , Just be yourself